Obama is now in the news business.

May 12, 2010 at 8:12 am | Posted in Governement take over of the private sector, liberalism, Media bias, National Politics, obama, Supreme Court, Uncategorized, White House scandals | 8 Comments

I guess obama feels  the liberal media, people like Chris “I get a tingle down my leg” Matthews, is not liberal enough to conduct this interview, so obama simply by-passed the MSM and did an in-house interview.


Another non-surprise about Obamacare: Slacker mandate means higher premiums | Washington Examiner

May 12, 2010 at 7:41 am | Posted in Governement take over of the private sector, Health care., liberalism, Media bias, National Politics, obama, White House scandals | 5 Comments

Once again the facts bear out that obama can’t be trusted on anything he says.   He simply says what he believes will work based not on any fact at all. 

Another non-surprise about Obamacare: Slacker mandate means higher premiums | Washington Examiner.

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