It’s a good thing our Southern Border is secured.

May 26, 2010 at 5:39 pm | Posted in Illegal Aliens, Media bias, Mexican crime, National Politics, obama, Terrorism, Uncategorized, White House scandals | 3 Comments

According to the current administration, our Southern Border with Mexico is as secure as it has ever been.  Furthermore, the only people trying to get across the border are hard working folks who are being forced to by U.S. businesses.   So, it comes as a complete surprise to see the administration release this memo today.

Bad politicians.

May 26, 2010 at 8:06 am | Posted in City of Manassas, National Politics, Uncategorized, Virginia Politics | 1 Comment

From the local level to the Federal level, one aspect of bad governance is bad politicians.   These people run only for self gain and to  have their  over bloated ego’s stroked.  They care not for history, for the people or communities they are supposed to represent.  They of course have many supporters, but, once you start to investigate, these people are usually tied to the politician through business and or other ties, simply looking out for their own best interest, and that’s pretty much it.  Oh, they wax on about how great these politicians are, etc, but it’s all fluff, and no substance.

Take a look at Chicago for example, it has a reputation of having a very corrupt style  of politics because everyone is in on it.  However, it’s not only found in large Cities but in small Cities as well.    When politicians ask why there is not more interest in local politics, they would do well to look themselves in the mirror and ask why that is.

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