Good news for the rule of law.

May 11, 2010 at 8:40 am | Posted in Illegal Aliens, liberalism, Media bias, Mexican crime | 11 Comments

If one just depended on the MSM for their news regarding the new  Arizona anti-illegal alien law, they would think it was the worse law ever passed and very unpopular.   

Of course the truth is much different, and in fact the law is very popular not just in Arizona, but around the Nation.    The fact two petition attempts have already ended is further proof the law is supported by the majority in the State.

Another milestone for obama.

May 11, 2010 at 7:48 am | Posted in economy, Governement take over of the private sector, liberalism, Media bias, obama, White House scandals | 8 Comments

He set the record for having the most people on food stamps.   Way to go obama.

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