This is a shocking news story, obama’s health care projected to cost more than advertised.

April 22, 2010 at 10:33 pm | Posted in Governement take over of the private sector, Health care., liberalism, Media bias, National Politics, obama, White House scandals | Leave a comment

Again, it appears obama has been caught telling lies about his health care plan.  Sure, the Dems played fast with the numbers in order to make the plan appear to be cheaping than it really was.   Now, they will have to pay the price for their lies and cooking of the numbers.

As if obama would even consider a white male for the Supreme Court.

April 22, 2010 at 7:36 am | Posted in liberalism, National Politics, Supreme Court | Leave a comment

It appears one qualification a person must have to serve on the Supreme Court these days is something called “diversity”.   The following article mentions that obama is focusing on diversity including looking at white candidates among others.  Well, you can take it to the bank, there is not a chance that obama is going to pick a white male, and there is only a slightly more of a chance that he will pick a white woman. 

If he could pick a cross dressing,  disabled minority, he would do so, since that’s what we are heading to.  It’s not enough just to have a minority nominee, there has to be an additional aspect, and if the nominee happens to be gay, transgender, etc, all the better in the eyes of the Dems.   Of course what that has to do with knowing the law and the Constitution, I’m not sure, but the libs feel it makes a difference.

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